Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Vitmain A in Peaches

Well I heard a interesting fact yesterday while I was listening to 1160AM radio. Dr. Bob Marshall made the statement that if were were to take a peach in 1950 and measure the vitamin A content in it, you would have to eat I believe it was 53 peaches today to get the same vitamin A in 1950.

Makes you wonder doesn't it? I am going to look into this and I will post my finding's once I get some more information.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Healthy Living Tip, Dark Chocolate

A Berry Good Way to Stay Healthy

You’ve probably heard by now that dark chocolate is actually good for you thanks to a host of compounds it contains, including antioxidants. Add another yummy treat to the “good for you” list: berries.

Just one cup of berries provides all the disease-fighting antioxidants you need each day. Antioxidants “mop up” free radicals, which damage cells and contribute to chronic illness like cancer, heart disease and Alzheimer’s disease. Free radicals also speed aging. Antioxidants are found in leafy vegetables, fruits, wine, and chocolate. Antioxidants are also found in certain vitamins and minerals, such as vitamins A, C and E, zinc and selenium.

Cranberries, blueberries and blackberries rank highest in antioxidant levels. Apples follow closely behind. On the color wheel, the purple-blue-red-orange spectrum contains the most antioxidant-rich fruits.

Berries are also a rich source of polyphenols and contain high levels of heart-friendly Vitamin C. According to a recent study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, a diet rich in berries can boost levels of good cholesterol (HDL) and lower blood pressure. The study concludes that regular consumption of berries plays a role in heart disease prevention.

Berries can be a “fountain of youth” of sorts, too, thanks to anthocyanin, the blue-red pigment in blueberries and strawberries. This powerful antioxidant works with vitamin C to protect and repair skin cells.

So fill up that fruit bowl and dig in for health – and beauty!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Try The Free 7 Day Challege!

Here is your change to try eXfuze Seven Plus for FREE! Go to http://www.vivaexfuze.com/ and click on Try the 7 day challenge and get signed up today! Its a no risk trial and you have nothing lose and only to gain.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Healthy Living Tip

Want to Lose It? Write It Down!

Writing down what you eat in a food diary every day can help you lose twice as much weight as skipping that step, according to a new study by Kaiser Permanente’s Center for Health Research.

The study underscores the importance — and effectiveness — of keeping a food diary. Nearly 1,700 people took part in the study. They were asked to keep food diaries and turn them in at weekly support meetings led by nutritionists and behavior counselors. They were given a goal of losing at least 9 pounds in six months by eating about 500 fewer calories a day, eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, and exercising at least 30 minutes a day.

At the end of the study, more than two-thirds of the participants had lost at least 9 pounds. But those who kept their food diary at least six days a week, lost an average of about 18 pounds in six months.

Even Small Losses Equal Big Benefits.

That weight loss has big effects on health. Even 5-10 pounds can reduce the risk of developing high blood pressure by 20 percent.

Food diaries hold you accountable and help you become more aware of eating habits. They can also help pinpoint where extra calories are coming from. Sometimes we tend to underestimate how much we eat. But factoring in that handful of chips here, bites of brownies there, plus calorie-laden drinks can be eye-opening!

So pull out that pen, start tracking every bite and watch the pounds disappear.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Learn How To Operate Your Own Business In Network Marketing

I would like to share with you a book I picked up. It is about network marketing and will help you when you start out in this business. It doesnt matter what business you get involved with. It could be eXfuze, Monavie or whatever and this book will help you.

Here is a review from Amazon.com

Amazon.com ReviewTo listen to its proponents, network (or multilevel) marketing is the greatest thing since sliced bread: top performers earn $1 million a month, reside in alluring places like Aspen and Kauai, and still find quality time to happily raise children and lovingly cement spousal relationships. Contending that those who fail to make it that far are ill prepared for the initial challenges they face, Mark Yarnell and Rene Reid Yarnell--married network marketers who are among the industry's leaders, as well as members of a University of Illinois faculty that teaches the only college-certified course on the subject in the U.S.--have written Your First Year in Network Marketing: Overcome Your Fears, Experience Success, and Achieve Your Dreams! to convey both advice and inspiration to newcomers. Peppered with personal anecdotes that bring their recommendations to life, the two offer logical strategies for overcoming rookie obstacles and kick starting a career. Individual chapters explore issues such as battling rejection, avoiding depression, handling prospects, supervising recruits, and managing time. Each concludes with a comprehensive summary, but save it for later reference and don't skip the preceding narrative, or you risk missing the book's considerable motivational component. --Howard Rothman

The book is called Your First Year in Network Marketing: Overcome Your Fears, Experience Success, and Achieve Your Dreams! (Paperback)by Mark Yarnell (Author), Rene Reid Yarnell (Author)

Its a great book and allot of people on Amazon gave it a good review. I think everyone in Network Marketing should pick up this book before they begin.


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Monavie scam?

I wanted to share with you a blog I found on Monavie at:http://www.moneybluebook.com/the-monavie-acai-berry-super-fruit-juice-mona-vie-scam/

Review of MonaVie and The Acai Berry Fruit Juice Company’s Health and Marketing Claims

MonaVie. Mona Vie. The word actually sounds like a spin off of some french phrase (mon ami), but when I hear the name, two things immediately come to mind - acai berry juice and multi level marketing pyramid scheme. The MLM business scheme or pyramid marketing concept usually elicits a series of red alert alarm bells in my brain’s BS scam detector, however, I’m willing to take a closer look at MonaVie before rendering my personal critique and verdict. After having tried out and actually tasted the MonaVie acai berry fruit drink, I have to admit, it’s a rather sweet and tasty beverage - sort of a crisp combination of grape juice, blue berries, black berries, and a hint of dark chocolate. There’s not much negative commentary I can sling at the MonaVie product in terms of taste alone, but the outrageously expensive price tag and the rather suspicious marketing approach of the company leave much to be desired.

As an ordinary American consumer and a casual observer, I’m not sure what to make of this whole MonaVie acai berry fruit juice craze that seems to be sweeping the health and fitness world. The product’s been featured on the Food Network and on daytime talk shows for women like the Rachel Ray show, and eagerly touted by popular television hosts like Oprah Winfrey as the ultimate nectar of the gods. At least several medical commentators have appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show recently to promote the acai berry as an invaluable source of super food nutrients and as a magical method to promote youth and bodily rejuvenation. While most of the on-air health commentators were on the Oprah show to promote their individual books, even Oprah herself seemed to jump on the acai berry bandwagon, endorsing the nutritional claims of the tiny purple berry in her own boisterous way.

And it’s not just celebrity women either (who in my sexist opinion tend to be very ultra health conscious). Even celebrity guys seem to be getting in on the acai super fruit craze as well. There are numerous photos floating around on the internet of well known celebrities (both male and female) photographed with their MonaVie acai juice bottles. I’ve seen hip hop stars and motor sport athletes on MTV’s Cribs show opening up their refrigerator doors for the camera to proudly display their prized rows of ultra-expensive MonaVie branded acai juice bottles. To top it off, when the Boston Red Sox won the Major League Baseball World Series in 2007, you even had several pitchers and players publicly thanking the Mona Vie company and attributing their athletic success to the seemingly magical healing powers of the MonaVie acai berry drink. When professional athletes who have just won the most competitive pinnacle award of their profession celebrate their triumph by giving a ringing endorsement of a particular enhancement product, citing the competitive advantages it allegedly provided their bodies through the grueling eight month long baseball season, I definitely take notice. However at the same time, my curiosity is greatly tempered with a strong dose of skepticism and suspicion at the celebrity’s personal motivations for such a resounding product recommendation - and I find myself wondering if the celebrity was partly motivated by financial considerations.

Without a doubt, MonaVie is a popular and highly promoted superfruit juice product, frequently mentioned in popular entertainment and athletic circles among the rich and trendy. It also has a strong growing presence online and on TV, but then again, so do many of the numerous get rich quick schemes and snake oil scams out there, featuring all types of facial cleaning products and useless weight loss shakes and pills. All such popular products have their own legion of compensated celebrities ready to help make the sales pitch and enthusiastically promote the product to the audience. Just because a product is heavily marketed and seems popular does not make it legit. Thus I wanted to take a more objective look into the MonaVie product itself, its health claims, and its marketing approach to decipher for myself the legitimacy of the brand. My primary goal is to answer these series of questions - Is MonaVie a scam? Does MonaVie acai juice berry drinks actually provide the health benefits re-soundly touted by its army of rabid distributors? And finally, is MonaVie a product I would actually purchase and consume for myself as an average, everyday mildly health conscious consumer?

The MonaVie Acai Berry Juice Product

MonaVie is a fruit juice drink made up of a blend of 19 different fruits. In a nut shell, it’s like Odwalla or Naked branded smoothie drinks - except the drink is marketed as an acai berry product and it comes in a fancy looking wine bottle to give it allure. While the company refuses to disclose the actual numbers detailing individual juice makeup, it eagerly markets the fruit juice cocktail as some type of specially formulated super fruit juice, citing its composition of acai berries for its supposed magical ability to cure all sorts of physical and mental ailments. While the company does not expressly state that the MonaVie acai berry juice drink is capable of amazing healing properties, that is the marketing direction the company seems to strongly hint at. Obviously due to legality reasons, MonaVie can’t officially claim its juice drink to be a health elixir, but it sure seems like it unofficially wants to based on the promotional dance it’s constantly engaging in.

Inside of its fruit juice drinks, MonaVie lists as one of its primary ingredients - the acai berry (pronounced ah-sai-ee) - a small purple black fruit about an inch in size and produced from the acai palm tree in the Amazon of Brazil. Through its network of distributors, the MonaVie company promotes the message that its unique acai berry juice blend contains many of the antioxidant related health benefits associated with the acai berry and other special fruits. Supposedly, these super fruits are packed with powerful nutrients and antioxidant compounds that uniquely protect the body’s cells from damage and disease, boost the immune system, and slow down the otherwise inevitable process of aging. However, much of the alleged health benefits of MonaVie and the extent of the nutritional value of acai have been called into constant debate and frequently questioned by naysayers that cast suspicion at what exactly is contained in MonaVie and the extent of its alleged nutritional value if any. Certainly, the company’s reluctance to share detailed information about the specific acai berry concentration found in its bottles and its mysterious refusal to reveal detailed proportional make up of how the fruit juices in the MonaVie blend are made up continue to fuel discussions abut the health claims made by the product’s distributors.

Monavie Acai Is Sold Exclusively Via A Questionable Multi Level Direct Sales Approach (AKA Pyramid Scheme)

Mona Vie acai juice drinks are not available in traditional supermarket chains or grocery stores like Safeway, Kroger, or Wegmans, and they’re not even available via specialty health minded retailers like Whole Foods or Trader Joe’s. You definitely won’t find the company’s products at discounters like Walmart or Costco - no, the MonaVie company shuns the traditional sales outlets in favor of a more personalized and almost cult like marketing approach.

MonaVie was launched in January 2005 by a long time direct sales marketing veteran and since then, the company has relied exclusively on a multi level marketing strategy to promote and sell its expensive juice drinks. For all intents and purposes, the company’s more of a powerful marketing machine than a health food provider. Certainly there may be substantially better fruit juice products out there at much cheaper prices, but frankly, and somewhat commendably, MonaVie does a pretty powerful job of hyping and cleverly convincing health fanatics that they absolutely must drink this product everyday to live their lives to the fullest.

By tapping into a sales stream that takes advantage of trusted personal relationships to generate sales, the company has become wildly successful - at least on the sales side. Those unfamiliar with multi level marketing (MLM) may be more familiar with its common nickname - the pyramid scheme. A MLM or pyramid scheme relies on a direct sales technique based on a relationship referral business model whereby trusted people are the engine components that drive the commission based sales. Whenever a sale is made, a lofty commission is paid out, not only to you (the person who made the sale), but also to the person who referred you into the marketing program as well as to the person who referred your direct referrer - hence the pyramid nature of the arrangement. Because these multi level marketing programs are so potentially lucrative for those at the top of the pyramid (the upline), the system strongly encourages and incentivizes participants to zealously promote the product and heavily recruit new entrants into the program (the downline) to further earn sales and commissions for those on the up line.

Now, the one thing that must be made clear is that not all multi level marketing programs or pyramid schemes are inherently evil or illegal. Not all pyramid schemes are blatant scams or disreputable shell games the same way that Ponzi Schemes are. In fact, there are many otherwise thinly legitimate multi level marketing programs out there such as Amway, Avon, Mary Kay, Herbalife, Tupperware, and all sorts of online affiliate programs. However, many of these MLM based companies suffer from the same stigma and questionable scrutiny that MonaVie faces as well. While not outright scams, the scammy questions arise because many of these MLM programs really only benefit those at the top of the marketing pyramid and often encourage overzealous sales techniques that frequently lead to almost predatory recruiting tactics and pitches. Oftentimes as well, many of these MLM programs demand contractually obligated sales quotas that members must satisfy every month or face having to purchase the products themselves to meet the sales quota requirement. In the case of MonaVie’s contractually obligated arrangement for wannabe new distributors into the program, new entrants are obligated to buy at least 4 bottles a month of the pricey acai berry juice. They don’t come cheap and failure to sell enough bottles every month will require that the distributor contractually purchase the required quota for personal use.

As noted by an investigative news article from Newsweek, according to income disclosures, most of the million strong sales team of MonaVie appear to be really just drinking the juice themselves rather than selling them as originally intended. More than 90% of supposed distributors of MonaVie are actually considered wholesale customers, whose earnings were mostly discounts on sales to themselves. Remarkably according to the article, fewer than 1% of the MonaVie marketing pyramid’s sales people qualified for commissions and of those, only 10% made more than $100 a week. The Newsweek article even goes on to state that according to a top MonaVie recruiter, while obviously not disclosed by the company, the MonaVie multi level marketing program’s drop out rate’s around 70%. It’s certainly a fascinating tidbit to keep in mind as you ponder the question of whether MonaVie’s a scam. While I personally don’t think MonaVie is a scam as they do offer an otherwise legitimate fruit juice product, the acai juice company sure has rather unsavory fringe elements to it.

In regards to the secret world of direct sales and pyramid marketing, I had my first negative exposure to MLM programs when I was recruited by a company called Vector Marketing to sell Cutco branded knives back when I was just an 18 year old high school student. For some odd reason, many fellow high school students such as myself were targeted with elaborate marketing sales pitches by Vector Marketing recruiters to become trained in the art of tapping personal relationships to sell ridiculously and insanely overpriced Cutco steak knives to our friends and family members. Obviously, our recruiters were eager to train us into becoming their commission earning downline so that they could profit from our sales as our upline referrals. While the Cutco knives we lugged around and sold were of obvious high quality, they were no where even close to being worth the exorbitant price demanded of each individual cutlery. Quality is one thing, but they were and to this very day, are still vastly overpriced. While I was able to tap into my personal relationships and beg a few neighbors to shell out hundreds of dollars for a few knives out of pity, I remember always feeling extremely scammy and sleazy during my rehearsed sales pitches to supposed loved ones. As a mere 18 year old at the time, I wasn’t too fond of having to take advantage of my close relationships for financial gain. There was nothing illegal or deliberately evil about the whole sales system, but the whole multi level marketing approach simply felt shady and rather manipulative to me.

Mova Vie Is Extremely Expensive and Overpriced Despite Its Alleged Acai Berry Health Properties

The MonaVie acai berry juice product is not cheap. In fact it’s downright expensive - ridiculously overpriced at astronomically rip off levels if you ask me. A single MonaVie juice bottle will cost you $30-$40 per bottle, for a little more than 25 fluid ounces of the fruit berry mixture. According to the promotional material, to fully appreciate the nutritional benefits of acai berry juicing, you’re supposed to drink at least 2 fluid ounces of the purple stuff in the morning, and another 1 ounce at night. At the rate suggested by the MonaVie company, a single bottle will last you about a week. At $30-40 a bottle, that comes out to $120-$160 a month, and $1,440-$1,920 a year. Unless you are swimming in money and flush with dollars like the professional athletes or financially well off like celebrities Oprah Winfrey or Rachel Ray, chances are, you’re going to find regular consumption of this product to be well beyond your financial means. The lucrative price of each expensive bottle of Mona Vie can probably be traced back to the high cost of commission maintenance that must be paid out to the entire pyramid marketing chain upon each sale.

Because of the multi level marketing nature and aggressive direct sales promotional tactics of MonaVie distributors, a wide array of ridiculous health and nutritional claims seem to have blanketed the internet. Sometimes it’s a little difficult figuring out which writer is trustworthy and which one is blatantly a sales guy. I have personal gut-feeling suspicions that sizable portions of these favorable web-based health comments and supposed online testimonials were made by MonaVie distributors and financially interested sales promoters trying to hype up the appeal of their pricey cash cow via fake product reviews. A quick browse of the internet quickly reveals all sorts of outlandish testimonies and anecdotal stories by random people - claims of how MonaVie acai juice drinking cured their heart disease, healed their arthritis, alleviated stress and depression, cured their acne, reversed their aging, repaired joint damage, got rid of joint and back pain, cured their cancer, treated their diabetes, made them more energetic, and even improved their sex life. The craziest claim I’ve seen was some gentlemen who claimed that his steady diet of Mona Vie acai berry juice made his special male anatomy organ larger and more virile. I’ve even read a few ridiculous claims by anonymous female commentators on various Mona Vie related blog posts touting how acai berry juicing grew their chests and helped make their breasts larger. The myriad of outlandish and totally unsubstantiated claims are quite abundantly available online - an unfortunate side effect that distorts the truth, whenever there is a lot of sales money to be had.

Now it’s one thing for a product to be expensive and it’s a whole different matter altogether if the product doesn’t actually do what it says it is supposed to do. The literature and research on the amazing health benefits of drinking MonaVie and the supposed God-like healing properties of acai berry juice are still not entirely definitive. While there is little doubt that berries and fruits such as acai, blue berries, blackberries, and pomegranates common loads of nutritional vitamins and powerful compounds such as cell repairing antioxidants, the research is not yet entirely supportive that these are indeed super fruits that can cure all and heal all. There is scientific evidence that the acai fruit and other dark berries are uniquely high in Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity (ORAC), a rating system that evaluates a food product’s ability to fight harmful free radicals in the body, but that doesn’t mean that a single fruit can potentially replace all other alternative sources of vital nutrients.

To be fair, the MonaVie company doesn’t actually go out of its way to blatantly promote the MonaVie product as a magical berry elixir anymore. MonaVie does not actually make the health and nutritional claims itself. Due to stricter federal scrutiny of Mona Vie’s official claims, the company has drastically cut back on its previous assertions of health benefits and healing properties. The company is now content with marketing the MonaVie drink as merely a high end fruit juice product, letting its legion of cult like Mona Vie acai berry drinkers and promoters hype the unbelievable health benefit innuendos on their own. After all, the motto of the MonaVie company is - “Drink It, Feel It, Share It” - which sounds more like a sales focused marketing directive of sorts to me.

Acai Berries Do Contain Lots Of Nutrients - They Just Don’t Have Super Healing Powers As Suggested By Some Independent MonaVie Distributors

As a mild defense for the key heralded component of MonaVie’s juice product - the acai berry does indeed contain abundant nutritional value. There is quite a bit of research touting the health benefits of acai berry as a good source of fiber, minerals, vitamins, polyphenols, and antioxidants for healthy bodily performance. The expensive acai fruit does indeed contain a wealth of nutritional benefits compressed into each little purple berry, but then again, much of the same health benefits can easily be found in large concentrations in other more common and cheaper fruits such as bananas, blue berries, and apples as well.

Despite my admitted fondness for the taste of acai, I’m extremely wary of buying into the whole MonaVie acai juice product because I simply do not know how much of acai can be found in each bottle. Because MonaVie refuses to disclose the actual composition of its juice drinks, we do not know for certain the exact breakdown of its juice cocktail and the exact amount of expensive acai berry concentrate in the blend. It’s very important to keep in mind that the MonaVie juice mixture doesn’t contain acai berries exclusively. It’s comprised of an admitted blend of 19 fruits - including many common and cheap fruits like bananas and apples, easily found in your neighborhood grocery store. If you really buy into the claimed health benefits of juicing and nutritional potency of acai berries, there are much easier and cheaper ways to get your purple berry fix. Most grocery stores sell acai berry juice variations and even certain online stores sell similar acai berry laden juice drinks, acai powders, and acai capsules for much, much less.

The fact of the matter is that people are always looking for the easy way out and frequently are all too eager for a magic potion that will make take away the need to put in effort. There is plenty of research touting the overwhelming health benefits of a low fat, low sugar diet comprised of lots of fish and whole grain foods. There is also overwhelming evidence that smoking and excessive alcohol drinking wrecks havoc on physical and mental health, and that daily consistent exercise is absolutely essential to healthy living. Yet, we as humans seem to ignore those simple practices and remain perpetually enamored with the possibility that there are super fruits out there that can serve as magic silver bullets to our health problems and ailments. The reality is that there is no such thing as a one size fits all super fruit. Proper health and nutrition requires a good moderated balance of fruits, vegetables, and proper exercise - not the services of a single food product - especially not one that is so expensively priced.

How To Buy MonaVie Online And Test Out Acai Berry Juices For Yourself (Remember, It’s Not Cheap and Its Health Claims Are Not Fully Substantiated Yet)

Recently, I purchased a few bottles of MonaVie online simply to test out and review the juice product for myself since I didn’t know how else to try it out for free. While I have no intention of actually signing up as a distributor or getting myself locked into some multi level marketing contract, I think it’s perfectly understandable if there are people out there who remain curious about the fruit juice blend. It’s admittedly rather tasty, albeit extremely expensive and somewhat overrated. Personally, I don’t buy the magical juice berry claims of the MonaVie supporters and chose to consume the drink on a one time limited basis as I would any new drink. If you really want to start juicing, buy a fruit juicer for yourself or buy pre-made fruit smoothies from the grocery store. Many of these pre-made blends contain acai berry and they’re a much cheaper way to get exposed to the nutritional value of acai should you so choose to partake. If you really insist on joining the MonaVie acai berry craze, there are plenty of equally good generic acai berry brands out there as well - in various just-add-water powder products and pills.

In the event you are determined to test out MonaVie acai berry drinks or similar acai berry products based on curiosity, here are a few ways to buy them online. Remember, it’s not an endorsement, and I’m just pointing the way for you if you insist:

MonaVie Active Health Juice With Acai (Amazon) - 1 Bottle of the dark purple stuff.
MonaVie Active Juice Bottles With Acai (Amazon) - 4 bottles - A way to buy MonaVie online without having to agree to some recurring sales contract.
MonaVie Juice Bottles With Acai (eBay) - Cheapest method to buy MonaVie online without commiting to a distributorship agreement, but requires eBay auction bidding.
Natrol - Acai Berries 1000mg Per Serving 60 Capsules (Amazon) - 60 capsules

Organic Acai Fruit Capsules with Camu Camu (Amazon) - 60 capsules - The Brazilian acai berry in pill form.
100% Pure Acai Fruit Powder with Camu Camu (Amazon) - 90 grams - Just add water to make an acai powder juice drink.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

New Website Up! www.vivaexfuze.com

I just got the new pro designed website up! Check it out

Monday, March 30, 2009


Most of us have held a few “real jobs” at some point in life. What was the purpose of those jobs? Most likely, they were about being paid to perform specific tasks. Chances are these tasks had nothing to do with you, your life, your dreams, or your destiny. They had little to do with who you really are or what you are trying to become. If you were lucky, you found tasks you enjoyed doing, but in the end, it was simply a means to earn money to pay bills and hopefully along the way, develop relationships and learn a thing or two about life.

Building an eXfuze business is different in that it is tied directly to your dreams and aspirations. It offers you a method and a system to leverage your God-given abilities toward the accomplishment of your deepest desires. There is real power here to not only drive you toward your destiny, but also help you in doing the same for others.
The eXfuze Compensation Plan encourages and rewards you for working with others, to step outside your comfort zone. This is where the growth is. Instead of resisting the short-term discomfort of doing something new, we should embrace the opportunity to grow. I promise this will accelerate the learning curve and increase your capacity to accomplish more.

As we prepare for a new year filled with new hope and new promise, I encourage you to never, never, never take your eyes off the horizon you are seeking in your “real life.” You can achieve it, no matter what it is, and we are here to support you.

We Are Now A Sponsored Link On Google!

You can now find the website by doing a google search under eXfuze or by clicking here and we are currently the first one under sponsored links. Google is new to us, but we are looking forward to use it to give more information about exfuze and get more people involved. What better way to spread the information to the masses then Google!


The Caribbean's most elite Spa & Resort located in La Romana, Dominican Republic. Your exciting adventure, while in the Dominican Republic, will be at Casa de Campo which includes luxury accommodations, breakfast, lunch and dinner daily at any of the fabulous resort restaurants; unlimited horseback riding, tennis, beach water sports and one round of skeet shooting. You can also play golf at one of the top rated resort locations in the world. Last, but not least, you can enjoy access to Cygalle, the world renowned healing spa located on the grounds of Casa de Campo.

Credits can be earned when you help your new Distributors achieve the rank of “Professional” with the following requirements:

1. Maintain 200PV while earning incentive credits.
2. Personally enroll Distributors between November 1, 2008 and March 31, 2009 with $300 Enrollment Pak and AutoShip.
3. Help the new personally enrolled Distributor to achieve the rank of Professional (Binary Qualified) with two personally enrolled Distributors (one on the left and one on the right) who enroll with $300 Enrollment Pak and AutoShip.

Incentive Credit Earning Schedule:

November - December 2008: 300 incentive credits per new “Professional” Distributor meeting all incentive contest qualifications.

January - March 2009: 500 incentive credits per 2 new “Professional” Distributors meeting all incentive contest qualifications.

Total incentive credits needed for the VivaKids Passionate Leadership Caribbean Getaway: 2000*

*Includes roundtrip airfare from Ft Lauderdale, luxurious island accommodations, and full amenities package!

All Distributors are responsible for tracking their progress for the exciting Caribbean Getaway incentive trip (click on "TRACK YOUR PROGRESS" on www.exfuzeevents.com). All tracking entries must be received by eXfuze no later than April 15, 2009. Please fax all entries to 866.455.4340.

For more inforamtion log into www.exfuzeevents.com.

eXfuze is proud to present our highly anticipated Regional ‘Secrets of Success’ on Saturday, April 24th and 25th, 2009, featuring a prelaunch of the V

eXfuze is proud to present our highly anticipated Regional ‘Secrets of Success’ on Saturday, April 24th and 25th, 2009, featuring a prelaunch of the VivaKids Food For Life Initiative along with an All-Star Legends of Sports Meet & Greet and Live Celebrity Auction on Friday night!

On April 25th from 9AM-5PM, join us at the Salt Palace Convention Center, located in the heart of Salt Lake City, as eXfuze presents 'Secrets of Success'. This spectacular event will feature the foremost leaders in the network marketing industry including our prestigious Elite Diamond Club Directors who will motivate, inspire, train and catapult your business to reach the ultimate heights of success.

In addition, you will be an honored participant as eXfuze launches our first-ever VivaKids Food For Life Initiative. This exciting and innovative new program will be formally announced, and as a participant you will become an integral part of the eXfuze historical VivaKids mission as we reach out to our children. This will dramatically impact your business and touch lives around the globe. Participate and receive a once in a lifetime opportunity to be a founder of this monumental program.

Our VivaKids Initiative will begin on Friday, April 24th at 7PM. This incredible night will be one you will never forget as you and your guests mingle among some of the greatest legends in sports - including special appearances by Heavy Weight Boxing Champion Chris Arreola, and for the first time ever, the one, the only number 44, Mr. October himself, Reggie Jackson! From 7PM-8PM, Reggie, along with several of his legendary Hall of Fame Friends, will be autographing official MLB baseballs and bats, and Chris Arreola will auction off his official USBA uniform with all proceeds to benefit our VivaKids! And the excitement will continue as you and your guests are invited to attend our VIP sneak preview of the VivaKids Initiative presented live in the Grand Ballroom by eXfuze Founder & CEO Rick Cotton!

Tickets to this event are only $20 per person in advance and $40 per person at the door based on seat availability. Tickets will be sold on a first-come, first served basis as we fully anticipate a sell-out crowd.

Register by March 31st and receive THREE FREE GUEST PASSES to this fantastic two Day event! Don't miss this incredible opportunity to be a part of the hottest ticket in town April 24th-25th, at the Salt Palace Convention Center!

Register today at www.exfuzeevents.com.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Are You A Smoker?

I dont like to preach to people but if your looking to get healthy and you are a smoker start here.

I am looking for some graphic pics of lungs etc.. if anyone has any please share

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

"3 Motocross Training Tips You Can Use To Win Races!"

3 Quick Motocross Training Tips That Will Make a Huge Difference!

Have you ever wondered what the guys are doing that are winning races while your fading at the end of your moto?

I used to ask myself the same question and I did find allot of answer's. Some I wish I hadn't because it truly does come down to hard work! When you look at motocross training and see that you really do get out what you put in it becomes exciting. I knew that if I put in the hard work and could ride hard for my 15 minute moto ( I knew this because I could go that pace for at least 30 minutes during training) that no one would be stronger at the end of the moto then myself. You can train this way for all rider skill levels by adjusting the time and type of exercises your doing.

Let's get started! 3 things to get you started are:

1.) Get yourself a heart rate monitor. Without one you have no idea how hard your body is working. This becomes even more important when you get into trying to stay in different heart rate zones such as fat burn or cardio zones. This will also help you determine your lactic acid level, but since this is more of introduction article I won't get to deep here.

The heart rate monitor I like is made by Polar and it can also mount on a road or mountain bike which I will be talking about next. You can find the heart rate monitor I am talking about here

2.) If you don't have one purchase a road or mountain bike! There isn't much you can do at a gym to mimic the workout you get on a moto or mountain bike. You can pick either style bike that suits you better. A road bike is good for being able to keep your heart rate at a specific target then a mountain in single track trail, but in my opinion the road bike is kinda boring. Using a mountain bike in some single track is I have more fun then riding my moto bike sometimes! The downfalls are that its hard to keep in a zone since your going up and down hills and curving through trees. It is also a little more risky to fall and get hurt versus a road bike.

Either way both are great exercise and a wonderful tools to get you to the finish line first.

3.) The last thing you should pick up to start motocross training are health supplements. During rides I like to use CytoSport products which you can find here. When you spend such a big chunk of time riding and training at a high heart it can be taxing on your body. The one problem I was trying to get rid of was the creation of free radicals in my body. These little buggers will start breaking down your cells and its not a good thing. The answer is anti-oxidants. A new product that just came out is eXfuze.

eXfuze is now the worlds first multi-botanical health supplement on planet earth that I know of. Why I am such a proponent is because instead of trying to eat tons of fruits and vegetable to get enough ORAC to find these free radicals off I can just drink 3/4-1 ounce of eXfuze a day and not have to worry about it again! Most importantly it tastes good! Don't get me wrong though you it is still a good idea to eat fruits and vegetables as well.

It fit my need and it does a great job that gives me piece of mind. So I am happier now and don't worry as much. Give it a try on my official eXfuze website: http://www.vivaexfuze.com/

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Some FAQ's

What is the primary ingredient of Seven+?

Unlike most nutritional drinks on the market today, Seven+ does not have a primary ingredient. In fact, we like to call it the world's "first multi-botanical." Seven+ is the synergistic fusion of some of the world's most incredible super foods. Together, they make eXfuze Seven+ unique, delicious and incredibly nutritious.

What is Seven+?

Seven+ is a proprietary blend of seven of the world's finest super foods and a host of other nutrition-rich ingredients (the Plus), creating one of the finest nutritional drinks on the market today. We combine extracts from the following botanicals – Gac, Acai, Goji, Noni, Fucoidan, Mangosteen and Seabuckthorn – along with Pomegranate, Wild Blueberries, Aloe Vera and Concord Grapes. The result is a great tasting, nutrition-rich, economical product that is truly unmatched.

What are extracts and why do they matter?

The purpose of creating extracts is to harvest the most desirable and nutrient-rich parts of the botanical, thus removing parts that are not needed. With the large number of ingredients that make up Seven+, it is critical that only the best components of each botanical be used. This multi-step process ensures the quality and effectiveness of our product.

Why is there grape concentrate in Seven+?

I thought nothing was used except extracts!
A concentrate created from Concord grapes is part of the PLUS in Seven+, providing a proven great tasting product that blends well with the rest of the formula. Concord grapes are incredibly rich in nutrients and antioxidants and were chosen by our scientific team for all of these reasons.

Seven+ available in health-food stores?

eXfuze does not sell product directly to any type of retail outlets. You must either become a distributor to obtain Seven+ at wholesale pricing or purchase directly from an authorized eXfuze independent distributor.

Why is Seven+ produced in glass bottles?

eXfuze chose to market Seven+ in sterilized glass bottles to ensure that the product is delivered to the end user in its purest form while eliminating the possibilities of contamination. Research has shown that different types of plastic bottles can develop leeching of ingredients used in production of the container, based on exposure to sunlight, high temperatures and varying pH levels.

Scientific Advisory Board

In keeping with our unprecedented commitment to provide you with the latest advancements in scientific research and cutting edge nutritional technology, eXfuze has established a Scientific Advisory Board comprised of the industry’s leading specialists in the fields of medicine, nutrition, and health.

This prestigious team of dedicated professionals will continue to guide the future of eXfuze, lending their expertise and knowledge of the continued advancements in the fields of medical and scientific research advancements from around the world. Together we share the commitment and dedication of bringing you the finest synergistic nutritional supplements nature has to offer that will ensure your optimal health both today, and well into the future.

Dr. Kuypers is a board-certified physician in emergency medicine and medical acupuncture. He has served as Medical Director for several nutritional direct sales conglomerates and has developed an online database of key nutritional ingredients. Dr. Kuypers is a published author of the highly acclaimed, 'Natural Cures for Diabetes'. His continuing research interests have been in the application of natural substances in human health and disease.

Dr. Guarnera specializes in biomechanical and biochemical medicine. His training in Kinesiology led to the treatment of sports injuries at the high school, college, and professional levels. His research in nutritional biochemistry allowed for the design and evaluation in nutrient programs for world-class athletes. Dr. Guarnera has served on the Boards of 2 International MLM companies as Medical Advisor, and has been a featured speaker nationally and internationally on radio and television.

Dr Cordner is on the American Board of Anesthesiology and is also qualified in Pain Management. He currently serves at Holmes Regional Medical Center and at Palm Bay Community Hospital. He is also the President of the Goldcoast Anesthesia Associates and President Florida Pain Management Associates. Along with his extensive experience Dr. Cordner is also involved with the following prestigious groups Society of Pain Practice Management, American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians, Florida Society of Interventional Pain Physicians (VP 2004), American Board of Interventional Pain Physicians, Florida Academy of Pain Management, American Neuromodulation Society, International Spinal Injection Society, American Academy of Pain Medicine

Dr. Feil currently serves as Emergency Department Chairman of Lakeview Hospital in Farmington, Utah. In addition, he is a Partner with Western Emergency Physicians. Dr. Feil is Board Certified by the American Board of Emergency Medicine, a Fellow of the American Academy of Emergency Medicine and the American College of Emergency Medicine. In addition, he is an active member of Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS), Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS), and holds dual medical licenses in both Utah and California. Dr. Feil holds high credence to the holistic approach to disease reversal.

Dr. McNamee has served as Chief Resident of Emergency Medicine as well as Director of Medical Student Education in Brooklyn Hospital Medical Center. Dr. McNamee has experience as a Team Recovery Leader for Organ/Tissue Donation, and developed some of the current standard operating procedures for improved recovery techniques that are actively applied today. In addition, Dr. McNamee has served as a healthcare consultant for major pharmaceutical and health insurance companies, and currently presides over Healthcare Administration of a long-term care facility. Dr. McNamee has been innovative in educating physicians and patients alike on the importance of nutritional supplementation.

Dr. Vernon, a member of the American Academy of Ophthalmology, has served as Chief of Ophthalmology at Zurbrugg Hospital in Riverside, New Jersey. He is a member of the New Jersey Board of Medical Examiners, and his affiliations include Virtua Memorial Hospital as an active staff member of the Department of Surgery/Ophthalmology as well as Campus Eye Surgical Center in Hamilton Square, New Jersey.

Dr. Collins is a Board Certified Ophthalmologist who has dedicated the past 33 years of his life serving as a family practitioner, with the last two years specializing in integrative eye care. Dr. Collins is highly educated in the multidisciplinary nutritional principals, nutritional interventions and clinical nutraceutical applications. He has extensively researched the Alternative Medicine and Nutritional Supplement fields of medicine.

Dr. Soutas is a member of the American Dental Association, the Academy of LDS Dentists, the Utah Dental Association, the Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine, and the International Association of Orthodontics. Dr. Soutas has served as President of the Provo District Dental Society, as well as held extensive leadership positions in prestigious dental organizations over the past few years. Dr. Soutas specializes in state of the art cosmetic and family dentistry.

Dr. Luciani is Board Certified Physician specializing in obstetrics and gynecology, and serves as Chief Operations Officer for Associates in Female HealthCare. Dr. Luciani is a member of the Springfield Board of Health, The American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, and a board member of the John La Conti Child Life Fund for children's cancer. Dr. Luciani's prestigious accolades were hailed as he was named one of the top physicians in his field by New Jersey Monthly, and was featured in New York magazine.

Lawrence Taylor is a Founding Partner, Dancing With The Stars!

eXfuze's Lawrence Taylor On Dancing With The Stars!

Two-time Super Bowl champion Lawrence Taylor is a founding partner at eXfuze. Taylor is a member of the NFL Hall of Fame and played his entire career at linebacker for the New York Giants. "LT", as he is well known by NFL fans around the world, was a three-time defensive player of the year and former NFL MVP. Several years ago, he overcame health and personal issues, getting his life in order. Health and wellness have become a real passion for him. Everywhere this football legend goes, you will hear him talking to people about Seven+.


"Not only do we feel great because of the energy and vitality we are getting from drinking Seven+ (we LOVE Seven+); but, we are seeing a financial freedom beginning to bloom that will change our future and the future of our friends and family" -Greg and Krista Van Camp

"Greg and I are not seasoned, or even experienced, network marketers. We have been approached many times to become involved in network marketing but have never felt that the time was right or that the company was right for us. When the eXfuze opportunity was presented to us, there was electricity in the air. Suddenly, network marketing was RIGHT for us! We decided to jump in with both feet. We began making a list of friends and family. We did not try to decide who might or might not be interested, we just made a list. We figure that it is not for us to decide if they are interested or not and if we do not tell them, we will never know what could have been for that person. We began calling the people on our list. We knew nothing about the company or product, but we were EXCITED. We think that people could hear it in our voices and see it in our eyes. They were captured by the excitement. They also saw in eXfuze what we saw... something very unique. We sponsored many of the friends on our list in the first 10 days. They began sponsoring their friends and family. In two weeks, our team grew from just us to nearly 200 people! We told those who have told us "No" that we will come back to them in six months and offer the opportunity to them again. We also told them that they will wish they had gotten on board when this was first presented to them! Not only do we feel great because of the energy and vitality we are getting from drinking Seven+ (we LOVE Seven+); but, we are seeing a financial freedom beginning to bloom that will change our future and the future of our friends and family. On the first commission run, 18 of our friends received checks. I do not know of any other friends that I have had in the network marketing industry that can say they started getting paid in their first 10 days! Anyone can do this business. If you talk to enough people, you will find those who are looking for the opportunity of a lifetime. Help them recognize it for what it is. We made a choice on the first day that we were going to work extremely hard. We will stay up late, get up early and make this happen because there is no time like today to build the future. For us, eXfuze is the company to build the future with."


First for some of you that are new may be saying what in the world is ORAC? Let me explain what ORAC is. ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity and is represented by an ORAC score or number. This number represents the ability of a substance to control oxygen free radicals in the body. The test is performed by adding the substance to a test tube that contains free radicals and observing its capacity to slow or stop their progress.

As oxidation has been revealed as the primary cause of aging, foods with high ORAC scores have been more popular than ever. Antioxidant rich foods have been proven to slow down the aging of molecules in the body and brain that would otherwise become damaged or diseased. Many people have reported curing themselves of ailments purely through eating diets consisting only of antioxidant rich foods.

You may have read or heard that oxidation has been revealed as the primary cause of aging, foods with high ORAC scores are now more popular than ever! Antioxidant rich foods have been proven to slow down the aging of molecules in the body and brain that would otherwise become damaged or diseased. Many people have reported curing themselves of ailments purely through eating diets consisting only of antioxidant rich foods. While you may think this may be to the extreme..it does show the power of it.

Other studies have linked high ORAC value foods to preventing long-term memory loss, slowing deteriorated learning, enhancing brain activity and combating oxygen damage in other body parts like the capillaries. Foods high in antioxidant levels boost the immune system so the body’s natural ability to fight all diseases is enhanced. So.. it might also help you fight off that pesky flu thats going around!

The USDA recommends we consume 3,000 to 5,000 ORAC units daily. In truth, 80% of the population is probably consuming less than 1,000 ORAC units a day. The USDA recommended "5-a-day" fruit and vegetable servings will give you an ORAC score of about 1,750 units.
The ORAC value of eXfuze is 50,000 per liter bottle.

How To Kill Free Radicals!

Antioxidants Are There To Save You!

So, how do you make a free radical happy? You give the free radical the extra electron it so desperately wants. What can supply this extra electron to the free radical? You guessed right- antioxidants.

Antioxidants are any substances that prevent or slow the oxidation process. Remember, free radicals cause oxidation - and antioxidants prevent oxidation. Antioxidants work by donating an electron to a free radical so it becomes a stable oxygen molecule or as we have said a happy go lucky atom.

More on Free Radicals

What Causes These Free Radicals?

Basically any stress we put on our body can cause free radicals. While obvious things like polluted air, smoking, stressful events and unhealthy foods can cause free radicals - many "healthy" activities can also create free radicals. Almost any type of exercise will put stress on our body. Athletes that train at a high intense level are high performance generators for free radicals.

Free Radicals

What are Free Radicals and Antioxidants?

You and everyone else in this world are all made up of atoms. Normal atoms have a outer shell and live a happy life. Atoms that do NOT have a full outer shell of electrons are unhappy and unstable. These unstable depressed atoms very badly want to get another electron so they can be stable and inert. These unstable atoms are what we call - Free Radicals.

Free radicals tend to move quickly to try to steal an electron from whatever molecule happens to be around them. Of course, whoever they steal an electron from becomes a new free radical and the process is like a continues on like a chain letter.

These atoms called free radicals are not that bad in moderation. Our body performs many functions and there will always be some free radicals created. However, if the level of free radicals gets too high in your body, you can run into major problems. Numerous diseases and health issues have been linked to high levels of free radicals.

One of the more common types of free radicals are oxygen free radicals. These are oxygen atoms missing an electron. Remember the rust you see on the side of old cars - well the same thing basically happens inside our body. Oxidative stress is what it is called when oxygen free radicals start to cause damage in your body.

Take The Seven Day Challenge!

Take The 7 Day Challenge And See What It What Will It Do For You!

-What is the 7 Day Challenge

Days 1-3

The seven day challenge begins with a simple questionnaire that asks such questions as:

Am I feeling worn out and lack energy to enjoy my family and friends?
How do you sleep at night?
What’s your stress level?
How are your joints- are they stiff or sore?
Am I out of breath when I climb a flight of stairs?

Participants are encouraged to drink five 8-ounce glasses of water before mid-day and two glasses at night. Another suggestion is to eat five small meals a day, which levels the blood sugar and provides more energy and mental clarity. Also very important record how you feel as you go.

Days 4-7

Participants drink Seven+ either in the morning or at night, but not both. They should continue drinking plenty of water each day and try to consume small five meals instead of three large ones. Congratulations! At the end of day seven you have completed the challenge. Participants reassess their pledge and retake the questionnaire. For most people, company leaders say their energy levels, stress levels and overall health will have improved since Day One.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Good Morning America Acai Berry News

Good Morning America recently ran a story on companies scamming people with Acai berry. The article can be found here:Click here for ABC News Article

I wanted to comment on this article and think it is important to review it. There are a ton of scams out there these days and I myself have been victim to more then one.

Is eXfuze different?

The article on Good Morning America/ ABC News was indeed shocking and I am glad it was done. There are too many people and companies offering miracles with Acai Berry.

As stated in the article just taking Acai is not going to make you lose weight. Weight loss needs to be planned out for each individual because everyone is different and nothing works for everyone.

Weight loss does come down to when you eat your meals, how many you eat a day, and the nutrition content of those meals, and how many calories were consumed compared to your basic metabolic rate and exercise. So it basically come to become a math game. How many calories taken in versus burned. How could a Acai berry do this on its own I have no idea how someone could claim that?

Exfuze does not claim to make you lose weight, but is so confident in the product they recommend you take the seven day challenge and see what it helps you with yourself!

What about automatic charges like in the article?

I the Good Morning America Article the woman they showed called to cancel the automatic shipments and could not get through to anyone. This caused her to keep getting billed.

Exfuze will answer your call with a agent during business hours and cancel your auto shipments with no problems at all. I have personally tried it and I know they are legit and you can really cancel at any time.

There is nothing to worry about with eXfuze and it is a great opportunity to get involved with a great product and make a wonderful investment in your health!

eXfuze Opportunity Article Posted

I just published my first eXfuze article Click Here Or View Below:

Who Benefits From Taking These Drinks?

Over the recent years the health industry has skyrocketed! You may have heard of companies like MonaVie Acai juice that launched in 2005 with a network marketing business opportunity and the Acai berry that was featured by Oprah and other media sources. These health juice companies have found a super fruit such as Acai berry from the Amazon and bottled it into their own formula to sell. There has been similar success with other super fruits such as Noni, and Aloe Vera. The newest player of the bunch is a company called eXfuze. The company launched their product in September 2008.

This new "juggernaut" relates itself to doing what the mulit-vitamin did in the vitamin industry by creating a "one-size-fits all" approach. They created the first multi-botanical nutrition supplement using seven of the best super fruits combined into one. These seven super fruits are:
1. Gac -from Southeast Asia
2. Acai -from South America
3. Goji -from Himalayan Mountains in Tibet and Mongolia
4. Noni -from Pacific Rim and South Indies
5. Fucoidan -from brown seaweed and algea
6. Mangosteen -from Thailand
7. Seabuckthorn -from Central and Southeast Asia

Seven+ also has:

1. Pomegranate
2. Aloe Vera
3. Blue Aguave Nector
4. Wild Blue Berries
5. Concord Grapes
6. Structured Water (Higher ph/ Alkaline)

Almost sounds too good to be true doesn't it? I found some of the benefits touted by the company to be amazing, and I think you should try the eXfuze seven day challenge to see which of the following benefit's you may receive:

• Cleanses and "detoxes" the body*
• Offers increased energy and stamina*
• Aids cellular regeneration*
• Fights damaging free-radicals*
• Promotes quicker healing*
• Supports the immune system*
• Possesses anti-inflammatory benefits*
• Contains fatty acids called Omega 6 and Omega 9. Research shows that these two fatty acids help maintain healthy cholesterol levels*
• Contains Xanthones which may help reverse the signs of aging*
• Supports blood glucose control*
• Contains vital amino acids along with trace minerals, which aid in muscle regeneration and contractions*
• Promotes healthy joint mobility and function*
• Aids appetite control*
• Improves mental focus and clarity*
• May help regulate emotions and calm nerves*
• Enhances gastrointestinal health*
• Supports the cardiovascular system and good circulation*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Seven Plus contains:

• Vitamins A,B complex, C & E
• Antioxidants
• Phytochemicals
• Xanthones
• Magnesium
• Calcium
• Iron
• Iodine
• Zinc
• Trace Minerals
• Beta Carotene
• Amino Acids
• Lycopene
• Omegas 3,6,7,9
• Folic Acid

Now the next question I get allot is, ok but what is the ORAC value of brand X drink? So I did some research on the ORAC value of the popular drinks and here is what I found at http://driventeam.com/Orac.pdf:
• EXFUZE ORAC = 50,000 per bottle!!!!!!• Young Berry Juice ORAC = 32,750 • Mona Vie Juice ORAC = 18,500 per bottle • Xango Juice ORAC = 13,750 per bottle • EB Tahitian Noni Juice ORAC = 12,500 per bottle • Himalayan Goji Juice ORAC = 10,000 per bottle • Silver Sea ORAC = 2,000 per bottle

The ORAC value of eXfuze is 50,000 per liter bottle. Thats pretty impressive isn't it. eXfuze accomplishes this by being a mulit botanical therefore providing a full spectrum of nutrition. The name eXfuze originated from the process of creating Seven+. The "eX" represents the extracts that are taken from each botanical, ensuring that only the most nutrition-rich parts are used. "Fuze" designates the "fuzing" of all of the ingredients into a formula that is nutrition dense and second to none.

Another point that sold me was that there is no bezoate as a preservative, no sugar added, no sodium. This translates into using a natural vegetable preservative that is cold pressed to give you the highest amount of nutrition.

What Does It Cost?

Seven Plus costs $45 dollars per bottle retail. If you are able to sign up as a preferred customer, or sign up as a distributor you can get wholesale pricing for $30 a bottle. I will be writing a separate article about becoming a distributor as well.

How Long Does It Last?

The company recommends a daily serving of ¾ to one ounce a day. Which means one bottle will last you roughly a month. If you are familiar with other companies you will realize how much cheaper eXfuze's seven plus is considering most recommend 2-4 ounces daily, and cost upwards of $180 a month! With the additional super fruits and lower cost it was truly a win-win situation that I could not pass up.

What Does All This Mean?

After all these facts what does it mean for you? Well after I looked over the product and even though many people are skeptical about MLM companies I believe it is superior to anything else on the market. When you really understand how these MLM companies work there isn't a thing to worry about. Give the seven day challenge a try and see what it will do for you!

**** The author, Davin Eberhardt, helps everyday people who are struggling with health concerns and high costs of other nutritional supplements by providing a new proven multi botanical, all natural, "super fruit" juice that is affordable for eveyone. To get more free information and learn tips on improving your health
Visit My Website and also get a FREE bottle of eXfuze! I am working on a new official website that will be up soon! www.vivaexfuze.com

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Cure's For Cancer Naturally?

Cancer cured with nature: Part 1

This is a personal subject with me and I am sure with so many people today being rampaged with cancer that anyone can relate to this subject. Recently I became interested in finding ways to prevent or treat cancer naturally. I think God has given us the keys and we just have to find them. So far I have found two ways.

Ozone Therapy

The first treatment I found was Ozone Therapy. A friend of mine told me about it and knew of a M.D doctor that was known to do treatments on people for $15-20 in the 1980-90s. This doctor had successfully treated and healed many people of cancer and AIDs with ozone therapy. My friend had witnessed people that could not walk come into the office and walk out while he was waiting to go in. The doctor had healed his son of a disease that traditional doctors were going to perform a risky surgery on all with ozone. Once the FDA found out about this and realized they could not make any money on the doctor performing the ozone treatment the FDA told her to stop doing the treatments.

Long story short they went to court. The doctor was not practicing for money and she was doing treatments on people because she loved to help heal people. This caused the doctor to not have enough money to fight in court. Although, there were allot of people she healed that were ready to take the stand and fight for the doctor. The court did not want to hear anyone and told the doctor to stop doing treatments or they would take the license away. The doctor knew the power of what they were doing, and could not stop.

This forced the doctor to move to India were they were featured in magazines, and did allot of good things with ozone.

How does it work?

A simple understanding that I was given is that your body uses cells with oxygen and sugar for energy. A normal balance of these within the cells are maybe 80% oxygen and 20% sugar. As the air we breath gets more polluted, the more nutrients we lose in our food, and the less exercise we get the oxygen level of the cell goes down. You guessed it and the sugar level goes up! This is breeding ground for disease and cancer. Ozone gets the body's cells oxygen level back up to normal.

Ozone is a toxic gas if someone were to breath it in, but there are 24 other ways to safely enter the body:

At home / In a clinic
1. in the ear 13. direct intravenous injection
2. vaginal insufflation 14. autohemotherapy
3. rectal insufflation 15. intra-arterial injection
4. drinking water 16. direct injection into a tumor
5. cupping with a funnel 17. intracutaneous (blistering)
6. external limb bagging 18. subcutaneous
7. bladder insufflation 19. intramuscular
8. ozonated bath 20. intra-articular
9. breathing through olive oil 21. uterine insufflation
10. steam cabinet 22. subatmospheric bagging
11. ozonated olive oil massage 23. hyperbaric ozone
12. ozonated water enema 24. dental use of ozonated water

With this information I was looking to give ozone a try and see what it would do for me. A friend of mine had purchased a ozone generator from Canada here ( note* you can not buy them in the US) and we started to experiment. I did a series of six treatments in my ears and found all kinds of toxins started to come out of them. This was proof for me that it was doing something.

This makes me wonder... how come there is not one single case of ozone therapy documented that it harmed someone and yet the FDA banned the use of it in the U.S? Makes me wonder if it was the government's heart that decided this or their income statement?

I have also heard recently that the FDA is starting to come around and I think 14 states in the U.S. are allowing doctor's to do treatments if people decided to try it.

I found a article of Saul Pressman's to be a great interest describing further about the history of ozone and generators. In the article Saul states "Ozone was first discovered and named by German scientist Christian Frederick Schonbein in 1840! The first American therapeutic use of ozone was by Dr. John H. Kellogg in ozone steam saunas at his Battle Creek, Michigan sanitarium from 1880, as he wrote in his book, “Diphtheria: Its Nature, Causes, Prevention and Treatment” ".

So this stuff is nothing new and it really makes me question things. One thing I question is with the pharmaceutical industry being one of the most profitable industries in the country.. would they want to allow ozone therapy to steal away all their money? I am keeping a open mind about it and going to do some more research and tests with it. I hope you will do the same.

*Please note I am not a doctor and do not take any of the advice I post as medical advice. I just want to inform people of things I have found and ask you to do your own research, or talk to your doctor about them. Even though many of the doctors in this day of age do not believe in alternative therapy's. Just use your own judgement about your own situation and live well.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Why did the founders create eXfuze?

Why did the founders create eXfuze?

Founder Rick Cotton had a vision to create a billion dollar direct sales company as a vehicle to make a difference in the world. After spending almost 10 years serving others in foreign countries as a missionary the plan was to build a company that provides superior products that are competitively priced while offering people from all walks of life and economic backgrounds the ability to exercise their entrepreneurial spirit. The company would empower its distributors to be in a position to give back and to live a life of purpose starting with VivaKids. Co-founder Don Cotton joined his brothers vision and together they created eXfuze.

“We have danced with them and sang their songs, we have laughed with them and cherished their smiles, we have held their hands and prayed with them, we have cradled them in our arms and cried with them. VivaKids wasn’t founded by eXfuzeeXfuze was founded because of VivaKids.”
Rick Cotton, Founder & CEO

Why do I think this is important?

I am proud to be apart of a organization that gives back to people in need. It makes me and others feel good when we sell a bottle and we know a portion of that is going to help kids. Its another win-win situation I have found when dealing with this company. The kids win and I win by being able to help people get healthy and earn money for my time I have invested.

The Topic of Giving

I would like to share with you something I have learned recently and hope it may benefit you as it did me. Most people want to get before they give and say something along the lines of, "well if I had a million dollars like x, I would give to charity too!". That's not how giving works. You have to give before you get and do whats right in your heart first and that's when God will bless you.

This posted information above is on the eXfuze website here

Thursday, March 19, 2009

How do you say Acai?


How do you say Acai? Well people have trouble saying the Acai berry's name. I would like to tell you the right way to say it: Açaí (ah-sigh-ee)

Acai is one of the more popular super fruits that has come on the market and for good reason. The USDA had this to report about Acai:

"It was found to have exceptional activity against superoxide in the superoxide scavenging (SOD) assay, the highest of any food reported to date against the peroxyl radical as measured by the oxygen radical absorbance capacity assay with fluorescein as the fluorescent probe (ORACFL), and mild activity against both the peroxynitrite and hydroxyl radical by the peroxynitrite averting capacity (NORAC) and hydroxyl radical averting capacity (HORAC) assays, respectively. The SOD of acai was 1614 units/g, an extremely high scavenging capacity for O2*-, by far the highest of any fruit or vegetable tested to date."
Full Article Here

So what does all that mean... it mean's it good.. real good! When you look at eXfuze and see that its only one of the seven super fruits you start to understand how great this product really is!

Can Antioxidant Foods Forestall Aging? Article

I would like to share a article I found on the USDA website

Can Antioxidant Foods Forestall Aging?

Foods that score high in an antioxidant assay called ORAC may protect cells and their components from damage by oxygen radicals, according to studies of animals and human blood. ORAC measures the total antioxidant power of foods and other chemical substances. Early findings suggest that eating plenty of high-ORAC fruits and vegetables—such as spinach and blueberries—may help slow the processes associated with aging in both body and brain.
Two human studies show that eating high-ORAC fruits and vegetables or simply doubling intake of fruits and vegetables—both naturally high in antioxidants—raises the antioxidant power of the blood between 13 and 25 percent. The studies are published in the Journal of Nutrition (vol. 128, pp. 2383-2390) and the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (vol. 68, pp. 1081-1087).
Early evidence for the protective power of high-ORAC foods comes from rat studies. Rats fed daily doses of blueberry extract for six weeks before being subjected to pure oxygen suffered much less damage to the capillaries in and around their lungs. In other tests, middle-aged rats were fed diets fortified with spinach or strawberry extract or vitamin E for nine months. A daily dose of spinach extract prevented some loss of long-term memory and learning ability normally experienced by 15-month-old rats. Spinach also proved most potent in protecting different types of nerve cells in two separate parts of the brain against the effects of aging, the researchers reported in the Journal of Neuroscience (vol. 18, pp. 8047-8055).

For more information, contact
Ronald Prior or James Joseph, (617) 556-3310, Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts, Boston, MA

Or log on to My Website

The Truth About Oprah and Açaí and MonaVie

Find this article here: http://www.oprah.com/article/health/nutrition/20090105_orig_acai

The Truth About Oprah and Açaí and MonaVie

Consumers should be aware that Oprah Winfrey is not associated with nor does she endorse any açaí berry product, company or online solicitation of such products, including MonaVie juice products. Attorneys for Harpo are pursuing companies that claim such an affiliation.

Oprah Article On Acai Berry

I would like to share with you a article I found at:

Dr. Perricone's 10 Superfoods

No. 1: Açaí Nature's Energy Fruit.

It may seem odd to start this list of Super food's with one you’ve likely never even heard of. But studies have shown that this little berry is one of the most nutritious and powerful foods in the world! Açaí (ah-sigh-ee) is the high-energy berry of a special Amazon palm tree.
Learn the truth about Oprah and claims about açaí.Harvested in the rainforests of Brazil, açaí tastes like a vibrant blend of berries and chocolate. Hidden within its royal purple pigment is the magic that makes it nature's perfect energy fruit. Açaí is packed full of antioxidants, amino acids and essential fatty acids. Although açaí may not be available in your local supermarket, you can find it in several health food and gourmet stores (often in juice form). A new product featuring the unsweetened pulp is now also available, and I highly recommend that you choose this form of açaí.Açaí pulp contains:
A remarkable concentration of antioxidants that help combat premature aging, with 10 times more antioxidants than red grapes and 10 to 30 times the anthocyanins of red wine.
A synergy of monounsaturated (healthy) fats, dietary fiber and phytosterols to help promote cardiovascular and digestive health.
An almost perfect essential amino acid complex in conjunction with valuable trace minerals, vital to proper muscle contraction and regeneration. The fatty acid content in açaí resembles that of olive oil, and is rich in monounsaturated oleic acid. Oleic acid is important for a number of reasons. It helps omega-3 fish oils penetrate the cell membrane; together they help make cell membranes more supple. By keeping the cell membrane supple, all hormones, neurotransmitter and insulin receptors function more efficiently. This is particularly important because high insulin levels create an inflammatory state, and we know, inflammation causes aging.

If you click on the link that explains Oprah's stance on Acai berry you will find that she does not endorse a certain product although the berry itself has been discussed.

So if you ever hear anyone say Oprah backs whatever Acai berry juice they are selling that person is wrong. Anyone can go to her site and see for themselves. I will also post that article to save you some time in looking it up.

Do You Spell It eXfuse Or eXfuze Seven Plus?

Exfuse or eXfuze?

After telling everyone about eXfuze seven + I have found that most people spell it with a "S" as in eXfuse. The company spells it with a "Z" as in eXfuze.

So after clearing up the whole eXfuse spelling I would like to tell you how eXfuze got it's name. The name originated from the process of creating Seven. The "eX" represents the extracts that are taken from each of the seven botanical's, ensuring that only the most nutrition-rich parts are used. "Fuze" designates the "fuzing" of all of the ingredients into a formula that is nutrition dense and second to none.

If you want to take it a step further the dictionary definitions are:

fuze: any of various devices for detonating bombs, projectiles, or explosive charges found

fuse: to unite as if by melting together; blend. Found

So now you know the correct spelling of eXfuze and why it is not called eXfuse is probably more of a marketing tactic then anything else. As always checkout my
Website or the company's Website for more information.

How to Evaluate eXfuze As A Scam

Exfuze Scam? I don't think so

-Are you wondering what all this hype is about with network marketing and MLM (multi level marketing)?
-Are you looking for a addition way to make income on your own terms? (Be your own boss)
-Do you want to know what to look for in a MLM company before getting involved?
-Have you heard people say eXfuze is a scam and waste of money?

Trying To Decide if eXfuze is right for you?

These are all great questions and there should be some things you should know before getting involved with eXfuze or any network marketing company. There are several good companies out there and several bad companies out there and the one you choose will determine if you are successful or wasting your money.

1.) The first thing you should evaluate when you are thinking about getting involved with selling anything is, are you passionate about the product? Alfred, Lord Tennyson
said , “The happiness of a man in his life does not consist in the absence but in the mastering of his passions.”

Zig Ziglar has been known to say, "It has been my observation that directed passion — founded on an ethical moral base — enables people to utilize their full potential with awesome results. "

So find a product you love and something that when you talk to people about it will not feel like work. You will actually enjoy talking to people about it and use the product yourself. I am a distributor for eXfuze and I drink it daily and would continue to do so even if I was not selling it. Do you also like to help make people get healthier and save them money? If so this could be right for you.

2.) Are there people who will buy the product that are not going to sign up to be a distributor? I think everyone would benefit from this health supplement and so I answer this question as yes. Wouldn't you agree?

3.) Is the product effectively priced? When comparing to other super fruit juices that cost upwards of $180 a month this company blows the doors off the competition with the small investment it takes to use the product.

4.) Compensation- This is the reason everyone starts in this business. The benefits of a network marketing company is a low initial investment and an unlimited income ceiling. I am not going to go into all the details of the companies commission plan, but you can watch a presentation at the corporate site by
Clicking Here or you can also Visit My Site .

5.) Is the market saturated already? When you look at a company such as this one you really want to get in early. How are you going to sell product when someone already knows two other distributors? You want to be the first one in your area and position yourself as the expert and go to person.

Exfuze launched their product in September of 2008. This means its pretty much coming right out of the gate at the present time. What is also good is that other super fruit juices have done the marketing to create a target market and got them educated about the power of these super fruits. This will not be a foreign subject to most people.

6.) Does the company give you any marketing material? When you sign up as a distributor and depending on the package you select the company gives you brochures, info packets, gift cards, DVDs, and also your own personal website to promote!

I thought the website was a great idea! To view the website you get
Visit My Personal eXfuze Site You can use this website to educate prospect's, and for customers to buy product while giving you the points and commission for it!

7.) What are you looking to get out of the investment of time and money? This business really rewards people who work hard. The old saying you get out what you put in fits nicely. So before you jump in think about where you want to take the business. How much time do you have? How will you go about selling it? Will you do marketing? How much money do you want to make to make it worth it? How much product would you have to sell or how many people would you have to sign up to accomplish this?

These 7 questions of determining if exfuze Seven is a scam or not should be your starting point. Do your own research and determine if this business is right for you. Many people say eXfuze is a scam, but have no idea about the product or business. There are some great websites out there you can
google and get great information from. When you look at all the facts.. I think you will agree that if your in the market to start a network marketing business this one is a great place to start!

Do You Need More Affordable Health In This Economy?

Struggling to keep taking those expensive health supplements in these tough times? Wish you could take just one easy supplement that would provide you with multiple benefit's and that tasted great at the same time?

Whether you are just getting started in becoming health conscious or are a seasoned health pro there are some exciting new products on the market to be had. One new product has unheard of antioxidants in it and is all natural that makes it a "one-size-fits-all" approach. The truth is that some of these products are cheaper then more popular vitamins and minerals and provide greater benefits!

Here is one product that I recently fell in love with and I think you will too.

eXfuze :

I have taken many different health supplements in my training to become a semi-pro motocross racer. Using them I did see a slight benefit from most and one did taste great. I got into "super fruit" juices with special berries found in the Amazon like Acai berry.

I really liked taking that super fruit product, because it did taste good, it fought off free radicals from training, and I didn't have to take a pill that was hard for my liver to digest and absorb. I did feel some more energy and also I feel like I was sleeping better at night. It was a weird combination of benefits but I liked it. It got too costly for me in the end to justify the investment, and I stopped taking it.

Then a close friend approached me about a new super fruit drink. She said instead of having just one super fruit like Acai this product has seven! So my ears were wide open.

Why Is eXfuze The Solution?

My first question was what ingredients does it have in it? I learned this new supplement has seven main ingredients and instead of drinking the one juice with just Acai as the main ingredient I could get all of these:

1.) Gac -from Southeast Asia
2.) Acai -from South America
3.) Goji -from Himalayan Mountains in Tibet and Mongolia
4.) Noni -from Pacific Rim and South Indies
5.) Fucoidan -from brown seaweed and algae
6.) Mangosteen -from Thailand
7.) Seabuckthorn -from Central and Southeast Asia

If that was not good enough Seven Plus also has:

1.) Pomegranate
2.) Aloe Vera
3.) Blue Aguave Nector
4.) Wild Blue Berries
5.) Concord Grapes
6.) Structured Water (Higher ph/ Alkaline)

How Much Does eXfuze Cost?

If you remember from the start of this blog my main problem with other drinks was cost. I was paying around $180 for a one month supply for just one super fruit. It was hard to justify that kind of health investment. I was really happy when I found out that the company recommends just 3/4 to one ounce a day rather then two-four ounces a day like other companies. The retail price of eXfuze is $45 a bottle and if you can get on the preferred customer list it only costs $30 a bottle. So that translates to around $30 a month with a better product then I was taking in the past and I am now saving about $150 a month! That is what I was paying for a car payment every month! I really thought that price could not be right.. my friend must have heard wrong. She was right though, because the first thing I did was jump on the company's website and checked for myself
Visit Their Site After reviewing the information on the company's website I jumped on board right away. It was exactly what I was looking for.

Does It Do Everything They Say It's Going to Do?

Everyone is different and everyone will see different results. So that is why I tell everyone to at least give it a try and see what you think for yourself. You can sign up on my website for a free bottle and give the seven day challenge a try for yourself risk free. You can sign up for it on my contact page:
Click Here or Visit My Site or email me at: davin@vivaexfuze.com