Thursday, March 19, 2009

How to Evaluate eXfuze As A Scam

Exfuze Scam? I don't think so

-Are you wondering what all this hype is about with network marketing and MLM (multi level marketing)?
-Are you looking for a addition way to make income on your own terms? (Be your own boss)
-Do you want to know what to look for in a MLM company before getting involved?
-Have you heard people say eXfuze is a scam and waste of money?

Trying To Decide if eXfuze is right for you?

These are all great questions and there should be some things you should know before getting involved with eXfuze or any network marketing company. There are several good companies out there and several bad companies out there and the one you choose will determine if you are successful or wasting your money.

1.) The first thing you should evaluate when you are thinking about getting involved with selling anything is, are you passionate about the product? Alfred, Lord Tennyson
said , “The happiness of a man in his life does not consist in the absence but in the mastering of his passions.”

Zig Ziglar has been known to say, "It has been my observation that directed passion — founded on an ethical moral base — enables people to utilize their full potential with awesome results. "

So find a product you love and something that when you talk to people about it will not feel like work. You will actually enjoy talking to people about it and use the product yourself. I am a distributor for eXfuze and I drink it daily and would continue to do so even if I was not selling it. Do you also like to help make people get healthier and save them money? If so this could be right for you.

2.) Are there people who will buy the product that are not going to sign up to be a distributor? I think everyone would benefit from this health supplement and so I answer this question as yes. Wouldn't you agree?

3.) Is the product effectively priced? When comparing to other super fruit juices that cost upwards of $180 a month this company blows the doors off the competition with the small investment it takes to use the product.

4.) Compensation- This is the reason everyone starts in this business. The benefits of a network marketing company is a low initial investment and an unlimited income ceiling. I am not going to go into all the details of the companies commission plan, but you can watch a presentation at the corporate site by
Clicking Here or you can also Visit My Site .

5.) Is the market saturated already? When you look at a company such as this one you really want to get in early. How are you going to sell product when someone already knows two other distributors? You want to be the first one in your area and position yourself as the expert and go to person.

Exfuze launched their product in September of 2008. This means its pretty much coming right out of the gate at the present time. What is also good is that other super fruit juices have done the marketing to create a target market and got them educated about the power of these super fruits. This will not be a foreign subject to most people.

6.) Does the company give you any marketing material? When you sign up as a distributor and depending on the package you select the company gives you brochures, info packets, gift cards, DVDs, and also your own personal website to promote!

I thought the website was a great idea! To view the website you get
Visit My Personal eXfuze Site You can use this website to educate prospect's, and for customers to buy product while giving you the points and commission for it!

7.) What are you looking to get out of the investment of time and money? This business really rewards people who work hard. The old saying you get out what you put in fits nicely. So before you jump in think about where you want to take the business. How much time do you have? How will you go about selling it? Will you do marketing? How much money do you want to make to make it worth it? How much product would you have to sell or how many people would you have to sign up to accomplish this?

These 7 questions of determining if exfuze Seven is a scam or not should be your starting point. Do your own research and determine if this business is right for you. Many people say eXfuze is a scam, but have no idea about the product or business. There are some great websites out there you can
google and get great information from. When you look at all the facts.. I think you will agree that if your in the market to start a network marketing business this one is a great place to start!